Survey Results: New Employees
CRA recently surveyed members about hiring new employees. Here are the results.
1. What type of equipment does your business rent?
General Equipment Rental: 32% (11 responses)
Party Equipment: 29% (10 responses)
Both: 35% (12 responses)
Other (please specify): 3% (1 response)
1. Dealer.
2. What are your sources for searching for new employees?: (Select all that apply.)
Word of Mouth: 88% (30 responses)
Schools/Colleges: 35% (12 responses)
Employment Agency: 21% (7 responses)
Newspapers: 6% (2 responses)
Store/Restaurant Bulletin Board: 12% (4 responses)
Free On Line Services: 41% (14 responses)
Paid On Line Services: 47% (16 responses)
Other (please specify): 15% (5 responses)
1. Sign in the window!
2. Sign in our store. (2 responses)
3. Facebook.
4. Employees.
3. Do you do Pre-Employment:
Drug Testing (33 responses)
Yes: 42% (14 responses) No: 33% (11 responses) Sometimes: 24% (8 responses)
Physicals (29 responses)
Yes: 21% (6 responses) No: 62% (18 responses) Sometimes: 17% (5 responses)
Background Checks (31 responses)
Yes: 39% (12 responses) No: 45% (14 responses) Sometimes: 16% (5 responses)
Reference Verification (32 responses)
Yes: 66% (21 responses) No: 13% (4 responses) Sometimes: 22% (7 responses)
Other (2 responses):
1. We hire a temp agency that does all the screening.
2. DMV printout for drivers.
4. Do you use temporary help?
Yes: 47% (16 responses)
No: 53% (18 responses)
Additional comments:
1. Unreliable results with temps.
2. Only when really needed.
3. As much as I can.
5. Do you have special requirements for specific jobs?
Own Tools: 38% 12 (responses)
Valid CDL: 88% 28 (responses)
Forklift Certification: 16% (5 responses)
Other (please specify): 16% (5 responses)
1. Strong backs.
2. Breathing, walking, speaks English.
3. Bilingual.
4. Pulse.
5. Ability to lift 50 lbs.
6. Are weekends mandatory? (select all that apply).
Saturday: 90% (28 responses)
Sunday: 45% (14 responses)
Monthly Rotation: 6% (2 responses)
Twice Monthly Rotation: 23% (7 responses)
Additional comments: 19% (6 responses)
1. Depends on schedule.
2. As needed.
3. New employees must work weekends.
4. They are offered weekends and they work. We don't have to call it mandatory.
5. No.
6. One Saturday off a month; drivers, mechanics alternate Saturdays.
7. Additional survey comments (5 responses):
1. The Best in Bad Debt Recovery. Agency, Small Claims? 5 Basic Points for Filing a Mechanics Lien (survey suggestions).
2. Craigslist now charges $25.00 per job ad.
3. Great job! Can't wait to see what you get back! Wish I was in Wyoming!!!!
4. Shortage of help in our area due to new local casino hiring aprox. 4000 and general economy very busy.
5. To quote Dale, "They must be able to fog a mirror."