The Truck and Bus Regulation reporting deadline has been extended to March 30, 2012. Privately and publicly owned school buses have different requirements and do not need to be reported. Smaller fleets can enter their information directly online. Larger fleets can use an upload spreadsheet to report vehicle information in batches rather than one vehicle at a time. Fleet owners who already created an account with the Tractor Trailer GHG reporting or the Off-Road reporting sytems, can use the same user name and password.
Reporting and clean-up requirements differ by gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) as outlined below.
Lighter vehicles (GVWR 14,001 to 26,000 lbs)
No reporting is required. Clean-up requirements begin January 1, 2015.
Heavier vehicles (GVWR more than 26,000 lbs)
Small fleets with three or fewer diesel vehicles can delay compliance for heavier vehicles until January 1, 2014. Report all your heavier trucks now if any have 1996 to 1999 model year engines. Wait until next year to report if you do not have any.
All other fleets that report by January 31, 2012 will have more flexibility to bring heavier vehicles into compliance. No reporting is required for diesel truck owners that comply with the engine model year schedules and do not plan to use credits, and extensions.
Why should I report now if I already comply?
By reporting all heavier trucks that operate in California now you will be able to take advantage of the following flexibility options until 2017 if they apply:
• PM filter phase-in option
• Downsizing credits
• Early compliance credits
• Adding cleaner vehicles
• Low mileage construction truck extension (single truck owner must report now)
• PM filter extension for NOx exempt area operation
• Log truck phase-in option
If I do not report now will I be able to take advantage of any extensions?
• Fleets that do not report now can still take advantage of the following by reporting after 2012:
• Small fleet phase-in option (based on engine model year)
• Low-use exemption
• Manufacturer delay extension
• Replacement exemption for NOx exempt area operation
• Replacement delay for PM filters installed by January 1, 2014
• Annual extension if a PM filter is not available
For more information, go to ARB's Truck and Bus Regulation page at