What's New?
Posted November 10, 2011
Final Rulemaking Package for the Amendments to the Off-Road and LSI Fleet Regulations. Staff have posted the Final Rulemaking Package for the amendments to the Off-Road and LSI Fleet regulations. The package was filed with the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) on October 28, 2011, and OAL has until December 14, 2011 to make a determination. The package includes the Final Statement of Reasons which includes ARB's responses to all comments received on the Off-Road and LSI Fleet regulations during the public comment periods.
Posted September 30, 2011
Advisory on the Delay or Suspension of the Installation of Particulate Matter (PM) Filters. MSC Mail-Out 11-29 has been posted to address compliance when a manufacturer of a verified diesel PM filter suspends sales and installations of a PM filter, or requires its removal for a particular engine family.
Posted March 29, 2011
2011 Large Fleet Reporting and Compliance Certification. ARB will not be enforcing the off-road regulation large fleet reporting and compliance certification deadline this year. The first large fleet annual reporting date and due date for a signed statement affirming compliance will instead be March 1, 2012. However, we encourage fleets to double check that their DOORS data is accurate. Also, the requirements to report added vehicles to ARB within 30 days, to label vehicles with Equipment Identification Numbers (EINs), and to limit idling to 5-minutes or less, remain in effect and are being enforced.
For more information, please call the diesel vehicle information hot line at (866) 6-DIESEL or (866) 634-3735 or go to http://www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/ordiesel/ordiesel.htm.