CRA Territory Holiday Parties
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CRA recently asked members to complete a survey about annual Holiday Parties. Here are the responses. (Number of responses shown in parenthesis.)
1. Did you attend any of the Holiday Parties?
Yes: 63% (19)
No: 37% (11)
Additional comments (4):
1. Too busy and husband was in the hospital!
2. I live in New Mexico. Too far.
3. Am a member at large.
4. Inland Chapter.
2. Which Holiday Parties did you attend? Check all that apply.
San Francisco Bay Area - Held at Harry's Hofbrau on Dec. 1: 21.05% (4)
Vintage - Held at Cattlemen's on Dec. 2: 21.05% (4)
Tri-County - Held at Cafe' Fiore on Dec. 8: 26.32% (5)
Greater LA/Orange - Held at Clearman's North Woods Inn on Dec. 9: 52.63% (10)
Inland - Held at King's Fish House on Dec. 10: 26.32% (5)
Additional comment (1):
It's a great chance to see old business friends and make new friends.
3. What was the best part of the party?
Raffle: 5.26% (1)
Networking: 89.47% (17)
Restaurant: 5.26% (1)
Additional comments (2):
1. Would pick all 3 if able.
2. The gift exchange is always a lot of fun!
4. Which would be your Territory?
San Francisco Bay Area: 25.00% (2)
Vintage: 0.00%
Tri-County: 0.00%
Greater LA/Orange: 25.00% (2)
Inland: 0.00%
Other (please specify): 50.00% (4)
Additional comments (4):
1. San Diego
2. Not sure what territory I'm in.
3. Central Valley.
4. New Mexico.
5. Why didn't you attend? ( Check all that apply.)
Wrong Day: 0.00%
No Time/ Too Busy: 28.57% (2)
Too Expensive: 0.00%
Too Far Away: 85.71% (6)
Additional comments (3):
1. Same as answer to #2.
2. Husband in hospital.
3. Out of the area on the date of the party.
6. How can we improve our meetings/holiday parties? (14 responses)
1. Have some in San Diego area.
2. Move the Kings Fish House party a little closer to the population center for rental attendees. Also the meeting room we normally get is a little tight.
3. Next year, Inland Territory needs to be more centrally located. New York Grill in Ontario. Cody can make that happen.
4. It's fine the way it is.
5. Personally, don't care for the chants when people win from the individual companies. Makes it seems more like a competition than a fun activity. Maybe something fun like a Secret Santa Gift to a yard, or something along those lines to make it fun for companies of all sizes.
6. We could try to find a middle ground between SF and Vintage and combine the two; we seldom get together with our close neighbors and this would be a good opportunity.
7. Bring it north of the 91 freeway.
8. Make them early in the month!
9. You guys do a great job.
10. Self introductions.
11. Hmmm, let me guess.
12. Combine territories, have one party north and one south, work with ARA of California to promote their attendance.
13. Get more members to attend. With the size of the territory, I know it is difficult.
14. Keep holding them.
7. Additional survey comments (2):
1. Welcome back to life, CRA. Ten years ago we were gasping and now we are well on our way back to being a fully functioning force in the market place of public service for rental companies. A special thank you to all that have helped with the revival.
2. Great party as usual, regret I was able to attend one only. Thanks again, Tom H.