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Board Hearing Delayed to November for Consideration of Amendments to Truck and Bus Regulations

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Stakeholders requested additional time to review the following items:

•    Details of planned emissions inventory updates for trucks and off-road vehicles,
•    Specific draft regulatory language,
•    ARB’s revised report on fine particulate matter (PM2.5) mortality estimates, a draft of which will be released later this summer, and
•    Proposed changes to the Drayage Truck Regulation.

To address stakeholders’ requests, the board hearing to consider the proposed amendments, slated for September, will be moved to November. The amendments would be designed to provide additional regulatory relief to affected fleets while still achieving California’s clean air commitments.  As part of the changes, the January 2011 compliance requirements for the Truck and Bus Regulation will be deferred for several months. In the interim, staff will hold workshops in August and September to discuss the revised emission inventory and the proposed amendments. This delay in the hearing date will provide sufficient time to hold the workshops and to make any necessary adjustments after the workshops. A workshop notice will be forthcoming.

On-Road Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles (In-Use) Regulation Background:

On Dec. 12, 2008, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved a regulation to significantly reduce emissions from existing on-road diesel vehicles operating in California. The regulation requires affected trucks and buses to meet performance requirements between 2011 and 2023.  By Jan. 1, 2023, all vehicles must have a 2010 model year engine or equivalent.
The regulation applies to all on-road heavy-duty diesel fueled vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) greater than 14,000 pounds, agricultural yard trucks with off-road certified engines and certain diesel-fueled shuttle vehicles of any GVWR. Out-of-state trucks and buses that operate in California are also subject to the regulation.  For further information, please call 866-6DIESEL (866-634-3735) or email at:  The regulation does not apply to trucks entering ports and intermodal railyards that comply with Drayage Truck Regulation.

HG Makelim Co
HG Makelim Co
Naylor, LLC
Naylor, LLC