Survey Results: Political Support in the Work Place

CRA recently surveyed members about their policies and attitudes toward showing support for political issues and candidates in their workplaces. Here are the results,.

1. Is your rental company involved in supporting political candidates or movements in the workplace? 
National level: Yes:  4% (1 response)    No: 96% (24 responses)
State level: Yes:  4% (1 response)    No: 96% (23 responses) 
Local level: Yes:  17% (4 responses)    No: 83% (20 responses) 
Additional comments:
1. Business doesn't have a political view, only people. 
2. Through NFIB. 
3. When employees run for local office we generally support them. 
4. As an individual yes, not as a company. 

2. Do you openly support candidates or issues at your rental center? 
Yes: 32% (8 responses)    No: 68% (17 responses)
Additional comments:
1. I've never seen a display of support in the building. 
2. Some local issues or candidates, but we don't make a big deal out of it. 
3. Issues, not candidates. 
4. I do NOT voice my opinions of candidates/issues at work. I want to make money, not piss customers off because I don't believe how they do. Business is business. I like them separate only.

3. How do you show support for candidates or issues? (Check all that apply.) 

Free Rentals: 60% (3 responses)
Discounted Rentals: 40% (2 responses)
Post Political Signs or Banners: 80% (4 responses)

Free Rentals: 25% (1 response)
Discounted Rentals: 25% (1 response)
Post Political Signs or Banners: 100% (4 responses)

Other (please specify): 
1. Sometimes we offer free rentals or discounted rentals and sometimes we post political signs. 
2. Talk about the issues and candidates and how they effect the company. 
3. Petitions. 

4. Additional survey comments (3):  
1. Politics has no place in a work environment. The employees as well as management should keep politics as well as religion away from work. 
2. We do support and fund candidates privately, but do not believe in being a billboard for candidates. 
3. If a business posts candidate signage... I am less likely to want to return or use their services in the future.